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Martha B. Boone
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 15 reviews
A Wakeup Call
Book to Review: The Unfettered Urologist

"The Unfettered Urologist " by Martha B. Boone M.D. dives into the surprising connection between excess body fat, particularly belly fat, and a decrease in male sexual health and performance. The science behind it? Elevated estrogen levels caused by extra weight, which Martha explains effectively, can lead to lower testosterone. This, in turn, impacts muscle tone and, most importantly for me, hinders sexual performance. That revelation was the wake-up call I needed to finally prioritize weight loss.

While the sex-related impact was my personal motivator, the book offers a wealth of valuable information beyond that specific topic. If you're looking for a fresh perspective on sexual and overall health and a science-backed nudge in the right direction, "The Unfettered Urologist" is definitely worth a read.

Review of Mother Charity
Book to Review: Review for Mother Charity by Martha B. Boone

As a Louisiana native, I loved reading about Elizabeth’s daily challenges while honing her surgical skills and relationships at Charity Hospital. The setting was accurate and immersive, the
characters quirky and colorful, and it had me craving a big shrimp po-boy! Boone’s writing grabbed me from the first page, and I enjoyed the book immensely! I highly recommend. I was provided an early copy of this book by the publisher for review.

Book to Review: The Big Free

I was hooked as soon as I read about the young aspiring surgeon reporting to work with her free flowing blond hair and best pearls! Unlike other 'coming of age' stories, Boone's compassionate yet witty descriptions offered insight into the rigorous schedules, strenuous work and unending dedication required to accomplish her dreams of becoming a great surgeon. I heard stories about the great Charity Hospital since my childhood, and her description of the patients, staff, and various characters who traveled those halls brought tears to my eyes as I laughed out loud. The Big Free topped my summer reading list.

orthy of a five star review!
Book to Review: The Big Free

It's hard to believe how demanding it is to be in training to become a surgeon .not just any surgeon , but the first women at Charity Hospital in New Orleans. The book shares the life of this surgeon in and out of the hospital. The characters she interacts with on a daily basis will make you laugh and cry all in the same paragraph ! The book is very well written wnd will captivate your attention from the moment you start reading. This book is a must read and deserves the five star rating . You'll love it, I promise !!!!

A great and fast-moving story
Book to Review: The Big Free

A great and fast-moving story! Took me right back to med school in a big inner city hospital like Charity with VA across the street. Dr. Boone's account of medical training, though fictionalized, is true in every word--not even a slight exaggeration of the truth. Physicians will recognize the experiences described so well in this book, and non-physicians need to know just what their doctors went through to become who they are. As a woman, somewhat before Dr. Boone's time, I can vouch for the accurate description of the prejudice and hazing she faced, except that she probably faced worse as a pioneer in the field of surgery.

 by Laurie
One amazing journey!
Book to Review: The Big Free

An in-depth and eye-opening leap into the life of a young female doctor, and her adventures in the world of medicine at one of the busiest and most notable hospitals in the nation. Ms. Boone takes the reader on one amazing journey into what life is really like as a young woman at the beginning of her medical career, including extreme highs and lows as she must navigate new challenges at every turn. With her burgeoning level of responsibility, she is faced with real life-and-death decisions, as well as the daily onslaught of patient assessment and care, crazy schedules, exhaustion, harassment from her male counterparts, and more.

Boone digs deep to shed light on what really goes on behind the curtain in an insanely busy emergency department, where tensions run high and patients from all walks of life depend on her to help them with both large and small, and sometimes horrific, medical emergencies. She describes in beautiful and gritty detail the ways in which she is learning about treating them, and about her personal journey as a physician as well.

The book is well written, clever, raw, gripping, and real. Congratulations to Ms. Boone for creating an outstanding look into the human condition as told in this wonderful book.

What a great story to be told
Book to Review: The Big Free

"The Big Free was a tough taskmaster, full of horror and humor" summarizes this captivating story. I laughed, I cried, I smiled and I identified with the range of emotions that Dr. Roberts endured during her year at The Big Free. The characters came alive so authentically on each page that I felt as I was part of the drama and lessons learned through out the chapters. I gleaned a huge respect for all doctors during their residency and the teachable moments that are presented by their mentors, colleagues and patients. Couldn't get enough of Elizabeth's witty commentary!

Book to Review: The Big Free

I had chosen to read this book because I had chosen the author to be my Doctor. This heartwarming personal story was difficult to put aside and get on with my life. I wanted to keep reading. It taught me that it is good to choose a doctor who cares, is passionate about her practice, is able to think creatively, can cry inside but be able to do her job.

 by R. D. King
Could not stop reading this book!
Book to Review: The Big Free

From the first page to the last page I was completely engaged. Every chapter offered a new insight into the persistent and driven efforts of a young doctor's commitment to do her best and learn from the best in a world she could never have imagined. Certainly adds depth and new meaning to the old adage "honor thy physician" to me. A well written and fast paced book. Here's hoping Dr. Boone publishes another one soon.

The Big Free is a great ride.
Book to Review: The Big Free

I loved this book. Boone gifts us with an emotional and insightful look into the world of medicine, and the human beings who's lives intersect in it. I found myself having a renewed respect and gratitude for those who choose to serve others in this way, crazy as they may be. The Big Free has a great variety of stories that touch the heart and crack you up. It's a great ride!

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Mother Charity was a joy to read. It was so well written and brought back many warm memories for me of life in New Orleans. You did such a wonderful job of touching on so many things that make the city and region so unique and bringing the culture and characters to life on the page. Your depiction of Leeodus rivals Toole’s Ignatius J. Reilly.  Congratulations on your entertaining novel/memoir! – Jane


“The Unfettered Urologist” by Martha B. Boone M.D. dives into the surprising connection between excess body fat, particularly belly fat, and a decrease in male sexual health and performance. The science behind it? Elevated estrogen levels caused by extra weight, which Martha explains effectively, can lead to lower testosterone. This, in turn, impacts muscle tone and, most importantly for me, hinders sexual performance. That revelation was the wake-up call I needed to finally prioritize weight loss.

While the sex-related impact was my personal motivator, the book offers a wealth of valuable information beyond that specific topic. If you’re looking for a fresh perspective on sexual and overall health and a science-backed nudge in the right direction, “The Unfettered Urologist” is definitely worth a read.

As a Louisiana native, I loved reading about Elizabeth’s daily challenges while honing her surgical skills and relationships at Charity Hospital. The setting was accurate and immersive, the characters quirky and colorful, and it had me craving a big shrimp po-boy! Boone’s writing grabbed me from the first page, and I enjoyed the book immensely! I highly recommend. I was provided an early copy of this book, Mother Charity, by the publisher for review.